Day Dream Space
Day Dream Space, a project by Audrey Apers and Tim Scheffer starts from a curiosity about 'daydreaming' and the translatability of this theme into an experience in image and movement. We explore the border between inner and outer space and meet people in a closed but porous space, occupied by the performer.
"Day Dream Space" is an unconventional theatrical space for a small number of people (maximum 8 performers included). The goal is to create an autonomous space, which can be placed in any context and at the same time is completely independent from where the space is located. You enter the daydream via a step through a sliding door, which opens and closes behind you. Arriving in the passage, a hall, a tunnel, the person is attracted by the diverging openness, to arrive at the central moment of our daydream. Here there is room for meeting.
Performer and audience share an experience together. A performer is present in the installation as a resident of this space. The performer performs actions that play with space and feeling for time. By manipulating sound, light and the body, the performer tries to shift the reality of the visitors, giving the visitor an altered feeling of time and space.
Performer and audience share an experience together. A performer is present in the installation as a resident of this space. The performer performs actions that play with space and feeling for time. By manipulating sound, light and the body, the performer tries to shift the reality of the visitors, giving the visitor an altered feeling of time and space.
We invite people to enter the space and become a real part of the work. Our main research questions are, how can we make people aware of their daydreams? How can we make people feel free in a space we create, a place between an inside and outside world?
Day Dream Space was presented in the summer of 2018 on festivals like ; Fashionclash Maastricht, Zomerparkfeesten Venlo en Cultura Nova Heerlen.
Maker, dancer and performer
Audrey Apers
Audrey Apers
Maker, installation-designer and producer
Tim Scheffer
Tim Scheffer
Performed by
Jan Deboom, Eva Honings, Maxime Arnould, Lea Tarral
Jan Deboom, Eva Honings, Maxime Arnould, Lea Tarral
Music composed by
Jan Deboom
Jan Deboom
Co-produced by
Stichting Zomerparkfeest, VIA ZUID, Talentontwikkeling in de podiumkunsten Limburg & SALLY Dansgezelschap Maastricht
Stichting Zomerparkfeest, VIA ZUID, Talentontwikkeling in de podiumkunsten Limburg & SALLY Dansgezelschap Maastricht
With support of
Fonds DeBuren, Brand Cultuurfonds
Fonds DeBuren, Brand Cultuurfonds
Coaching by
Jean-Marie Oriot, Marieke breyne en Ronald Wintjens
Jean-Marie Oriot, Marieke breyne en Ronald Wintjens